Monday, September 6, 2021

Book Review: The Stalking Seagulls (OT)(boy at the beach, Dyslexic Font)

The Stalking Seagulls, by Michelle Vattula (Maclaren-Cochane Publishing, 2021, 32 pp, $15.99), a dyslexic inclusive book* the size of a piece of paper turned sideways

Two brothers go to the seashore: one is always in the background. Keep your eye on him - something new to discover and smile about as you spot him eating something different on every page as the story gets darker.

The big brother is fighting the Battle of the Seagulls, trying to protect his sandwich from the always-hungry mob. He sets up a bucket blockade, hides the sandwich under his sun hat, and . . .  finally - it's lunchtime! 

But the surprise ending is one you will not soon forget. We did not anticipate it!

Dyslexic Inclusive

The most amazing part of Stalking Seagulls is the font* - I kid you not! It is written in a typeface easier for many dyslexic children to read, with nine special features like heavier bottoms, wider spacing, slightly slanted letters, and bigger openings (like for the letter c) and yet, the modifications are not so evident that non-dyslexics notice. What a service to kids!


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