Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Book Review: First Ladies Make History (OT)

First Ladies Make History, by Anita McBride and   (White House Historical Association, 2024, 24pp HB, $9.00) Review by Skye Anderson

First Ladies Makes History is a little book that packs a wallop of colorful information about the wives of our presidents.

We loved the inside covers: the inside front cover has a drawing of each of the first ladies along with the dates and their husbands while the inside back cover has the presidents - all in cartoonish drawings but easily recognizable.

First Ladies opens with a chronological few pages, introducing us to some of the ladies. Each two-page spread thereafter features a different topic that many first ladies had in common, mostly the issues they favored, such as diplomacy, education, and civil rights. 

We simply loved the incredible depictions of the ladies and could recognize nearly all of them, even though they sort of look alike. It will be fun to try to identify the first ladies on the back cover, too.

First Ladies Make History will rekindle your knowledge of history and spark an interest in government in your child. Author Anita McBride was Chief of Staff to a first lady and Giovanna McBride, her daughter, is an Education major and author.

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