Friday, June 21, 2024

Book Review: Panda's Story (OT)(told by a panda)

Panda's Story, by Keren Su (China Span, 128 pp HC, 2000, $29.95) Review by Skye Anderson

Mostly gorgeous photographs, Panda's Story is unforgettably playful and simply unforgettable by either children or their adults. 

We follow Panda in his own words as he is born, tiny and pink, until he becomes full-grown but not yet as big as his mother. We bask in the love of his mother whom he lovingly calls Mom

Panda Mom with Panda Child

We see him tumble down and probably bounce once or twice, we see him eat leaves,


we see him climb trees - all kinds of trees, not only bamboo, and in all kinds of weather, even snowy winters in China for Pandas have their own fur coats for keeping warm.

With chapters like My Birth, My Beautiful Home, My Childhood, I Grew Up, and My Future, Panda's Story spans the life of a baby panda who is playful as are all pandas - or perhaps we only see them as playful because they fall so often yet get up only to tumble again, leaving us with peals of laughter.

Our panda is endowed with the knowledge of his species' history and the hope for the future. Author Keren Su, of few words but numerous glorious pictures, has seen to that, spending 10 years photographing this shy 'unbear.'

Many of the photos are poster quality!  

Why is it that the world has fallen in love with this delightful creature? We don't know but after 'reading' Panda's Story, we are convinced all over again that the world has indeed, and Washington, D.C., particularly fallen in love, head over heels, all over again with pandas.

PS - Pandas are again popular at the Washington, DC, zoo!

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