Friday, June 14, 2013

Book Reviews: Lost and Found, and Picture This (dog, chick-books)

Lost and Found by Jacqueline Sheehan (Avon Books, 2007, 307 pp, $13.95 PB)

Picture This by Jacqueline Sheehan (Avon Books, 2012, 400 pp, $14.99 PB)

Definitely chick-books but archery does play a major part, especially in the first book, Lost and Found. A 39-year-old psychologist is widowed (lost) and relocates to an island off the Maine coast, becomes the animal control officer, and finds the dog who ‘heals’ her. Just how this all occurs takes a few hundred pages and will result in a third book in the series, I’m sure.

Picture This features a young photographer and a ‘possible’ new member of the family (not a baby) as well as plenty to be scared about – in a good way.

Chapters oscillate among the half dozen or so female characters of all ages (bravo!), and the dog. The reading is fairly slow but you will continue, hoping it improves which it does: about 50 pages from the end, the narrative becomes quick and quite suspenseful.

The dog chapters – just a few – add something new and charming to the literature of dogs but mostly the human characters live parallel lives. And perhaps the best feature of each book is the cover!

I have decided not to read any more of Sheehan but I’m sure she has a devoted following. Just look at the reviews on Amazon. Who knows – you may just become one of them!

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