EverythingDogBlog #49
Why? Friday is Take-Your-Dog-To-Work-Day
Kong dogs work hard every day at the office (photo courtesy http://www.kongcompany.com/2013/06/17/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-kong-office-dog/)
EverythingDogBlog: Every Dog Has Its Day and Friday May Be Yours!
By Skye Anderson, MS
Why? Because Friday is Take Your Dog To Work Day
Lucky pups and lucky peeps (people) can work together (see photo: courtesy Kong) all day Friday, June 21.
This annual June event was created in 1999 by Pet Sitters International and has been a great hit nationally ever since.
How to Take Your Dog to Work
The first step is to ask your boss, supervisor or manager. With education, you may receive permission. Of course, co-workers need to be in on the planning, too. They may be fearful, concerned that you will not do much work, be allergic (or jealous!).
Here are some FAQ that will help alleviate your boss’ concerns:http://www.petsit.com/tydtwday-planning andhttp://www.takeyourdog.com/About/faqs.php
What To Take Besides Your Dog
You will want to make a list of your dog’s necessities to bring along and include a leash and collar, treats (maybe a stuffed Kong or two) and food, a toy, a blanket or mat, water bowl, maybe a baby gate to enclose off your area, poop bags and clean-up supplies. But most of all, a sense of humor and acceptance for this once a year event. You might even need a clipboard so colleagues can sign up for a cuddle or snuggle session or a relaxing walk in the great outdoors.
How About Half a Take-Your-Dog-to-Work Day?
If it is not possible to take your best friend to work with you all day, how about half a day? And spend the other half at the park?
Other Activities
Or encourage your office to sponsor a dog at the shelter or hold a “Funny Photo (K-9)” contest or organize a donation bin - bring in a toy, leash, or bag of treats and drop them off at the shelter on the way home.
Maybe the shelter can bring some dogs in for a lunchtime walk and, ahem, petting session.
PS – and have a great day with your best friend!
If you aren’t lucky enough to work in a dog-friendly environment, this might just change everyone’s mind.
Read more about it:
Friday even has its own webpage with song:http://www.takeyourdog.com/About/
Life With Dogs is a Facebook Blog about dogs -http://www.lifewithdogs.tv/2013/06/get-ready-for-take-your-dog-to-work-day-2013/
Kong, that great dog enrichment company, give us a full day’s report of what one dog does who goes to work every day at Kong! Phoebe goes to work at Kong every day – lucky person!http://www.kongcompany.com/2013/06/17/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-kong-office-dog/
Pet Sitters International (PSI) -http://www.takeyourdog.com/About/
National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) -http://www.petsitters.org/
(This blog first appeared on Columbia.Patch.com on 19 June 2013. Photo credit: Kong)
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